Photo(Anoop Amar on Flickr)
Have you ever asked yourself where you want to be with your life in the future?
In these instant-gratification, quick-fix, drive-thru days in which we live, people tend to focus on what is happening and how they feel right now.
Not feeling good? Take something to ease the pain.
Hungry? Grab some fast food.
Bored? Turn on the television.
Tired? Get a cup of coffee.
This is not to say that there isn’t a time and a place for these, but so many people make decisions and take actions based on a current event, without looking at the possible future consequences.
Let me ask you, have you ever known a very happy, healthy and successful fast food eating, 10-hour-a-day television watching person on a constant caffeine high?
Me neither.
QUICK FIXES may be comforting in the moment, but they RARELY provide long-term solutions.
I am asking you to think about what you want to be, not in the present moment, but in the future. Let’s take your health as an example.
Your health is based on many factors: exercise, diet, nerve supply, rest, genetics, etc., but the key thing to understand is your health today is the result of actions you took (or failed to take) in the past.
You may think that how you are today is just a current event, but in reality it is the result of a process.
This may sound elementary, but if you take this concept to heart and put it into action, it can literally be life changing.
Everything you do today is going to determine how you will be in the future.
This concept of looking at life as a process and not just a single event has been discussed in Philosophy for years.
In Philosophy there is a concept of “survival values.” Things that we do each day are either positive or negative towards our health and function in the future.
Positive activities, such as having a proper nerve supply, eating nutritious foods, resting, etc., are known as “constructive survival values.”
On the other hand, negative events like Structural Shifts in the spine (causing nerve interference), injuries, drugs, toxins, emotional stress, watching hours of television a day, eating fast food, etc., are known as “destructive survival values.”
In this model, your life and health are determined by the accumulation of both constructive and destructive survival values over time.
Similar to viewing your health as a savings account; if you make more deposits than withdrawals your overall balance will be positive.
When you look at things such as health as a process and not merely an event, you begin to realise the importance of constantly and continually striving to add constructive survival values to your life.
Actively pursuing health every day of your life is the only way to create the life you want in the future.
Here is what I want you to do…
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Have a GREAT day!...
Dr. Ryno